Woven Wraps

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Woven wraps are hugely versatile and long-lasting.




Woven wraps are long pieces of specially made (and safety-tested) fabric that you wrap around yourself and your baby. The supportive, non-stretchy fabric is ideal for newborn babies, toddlers, preschoolers and beyond. Most are 100% cotton but also come in linen, wool and other blends.

They are incredibly versatile and come in a huge range of colours and designs.

It may take some practice to learn how to tie woven wrap well and quickly, but the slightly steeper learning curve (than, say, a buckled carrier) is well worth the effort!

Some woven wraps can require ‘breaking in,’ meaning they become more soft and comfortable over time.  Prices vary substantially.

Woven wraps come in come in varying lengths (size 2 to size 8)  to accommodate different tying methods (‘carries’) on the front, back or hip.

A great guide to sizing can be found here. Most people find a size 6 wrap ideal, to begin with. Very petite wearers may prefer a 5, and taller or broader wearers a size 7.

A Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) is a great first carry for newborns and bigger babies. Front Cross Carry (FCC) and Kangaroo Carry are also great beginners carries. Many wearers then move on to hip carries, as well as back carries like a Ruck, Secure High Back Carry and Double Hammock.




Our YouTube Channel provides tutorials for using for woven wraps.

If you want help learning to wrap – especially if you would like to get baby on your back – we highly recommend getting some in-person help or advice from us or from your nearest babywearing educator.

In the video below, Wear My Baby's Lead Consultant Emily shows you how to do a front wrap cross carry with a newborn baby.